Saturday, January 31, 2009

Visiting Nurse

I am going to visit a sick friend today. He is a member of my online group whose absence has been sorely missed. He lives about 2 1/2 hours away but I am closest..and I can offer my group an opportunity to offer encouragment and support to him in person. I am a mere emmissary. He is one of the people whose posts I read, who was consistant and kind, in the years before I got sober and lurked around the group...just to see...He helped me to see. So now I want to help him. That's how it works.

So off I go today, armed with Carolyn Myss' Entering the Castle, Joe and Charlie and Coldplay to listen to for the ride....I won't get to spend much time with him but I will deliver a poster made by another member of all our prayers and get well wishes...and then I will head home hopefully in time for my meditation meeting.

My husband doesn't quite get this....he thinks its odd...and risky. But I know I am being led here..and where You lead..I will follow.


Syd said...

Good for you to go visit. I like listening to Joe and Charlie. They are my long trip tapes.

RipGurl said...

This brought me to tears. I think it is touching that you would reach out in blind faith to a fellow human being in need of God's touch. We are the feet and fingers of the Creator. Thank you for reminding of this. It seems I need a daily reminder.

God bless,

mile191 said...

I love your what are you grumpy about cartoon. Thanks for posting it. It is just what I needed today. I love coldplay too. Hope you have a better day!!!

Banana Girl said...

You sound so much better than grumpy! Funny how being useful gets us out of our own way.....

steveroni said...

Someone reminded me recently of ONE of the ways to determine God's will for me.

If I feel "pulled" to say, or do something, it maybe is NOT His will. If I'm being "Pushed" or "Nudged" it could more than likely BE His will. Even so, discernment is a gift from God. You may be a recipient.

One Prayer Girl said...

Nothing is more uplifting than to be "pushed and nudged" by God and to respond.

God bless.

Michael said...

Its such a good feeling you get from helping others, even though we should do it anyway.
I am looking forward in a nervous sort of way to getting to tonights meeting despite the attrocious weather