Monday, September 8, 2008

Fear, Doubt and Insecurity

You know, when I was drinking I never thought I was fearful or insecure. In fact if you asked me I was a confident, strong woman. I think if you asked the people who knew me, they would have said the same thing. I now know that I was really driven by fear, doubt and insecurity. Fear of what others would think, fear of failure, fear of not fitting in, thinking I was less than, fear of being found out, fear of being like my mother, yada, yada, yada. In fact I was a huge phoney. I put on a good front. I did what I thought I was supposed to do, even felt what I thought I was supposed to feel, as a woman, wife, mother, worker. Other than the people who were close to me, I doubt very many people knew I had a drinking problem or knew who I really was. I lied and I faked it. I would push myself to do things I truly did not want to do so I could look good and then go home and drown in a bottle of wine. I had a cold, I had allergies, I had A glass of wine with lunch with the girls, I experienced a perfect storm (menopause, heat and A glass of wine), I couldn't sleep the night before, these were just a few of my many excuses to explain my smelly breath or exhaustion from drinking. And that's not counting all the times I didn't do or follow up on something I was supposed to which I always chalked up to something OTHER than my drinking. And even without the drinking, I was not who I wanted to be. I lied to everyone but the worst damage I did was to myself. I am so grateful that I am getting to know the real me and am able to present that person to the world and sometimes even like her.

I was supposed to go camping with the girls this weekend. Its something I wanted to do but between the weather and timing I had to back out at the last minute. This is something in the past I avoided because I didn't feel a part of and then did because I wanted to fit in. 2 years ago I forced myself to go, got snookered on martinis (who the hell drinks martinis on a camping trip, let's just call it what it was, vodka), lost my contacts and generally made a spectacle of myself. Last year I went sober and got closer to my girlfriends than I had ever been. Now, this year, I am a part of, I fit in but I couldn't go due to circumstances. And that felt good. Yeah it stunk not to go but it was on my own terms and it was real. I'm sure I missed a good time but it felt good to know my limitations and to be honest. That's the best thing that happend to me this weekend.


molly said...

i totally get this post of course! i typically knew i was full of fear but attempted to mask it as best i could

i still catch 'phony me' and am not proud of myself after the fact.

i think we'll always experience fear, doubt, insecurity to some degree - we just won't make such a HUGE freakin deal out of it anymore. and more important - won't let those thing 'run the show' thank God. Literally - thank GOD.

love ya girl. enjoyed this post very mcuh.

An Irish Friend of Bill said...

There seems to be no limit to our ability to BULL**IT ourselves..
One ego massaging half truth after another..
Until you have NO CLUE who you were in the ! first place!
oh well.
Thank god we get to sniff out a rat. but delusion never! goes away. shame..

did you know that you could turn word verification off? ..under settings, then comments, then word verification. you dont need it if you are moderating

AnnaC said...

Fear... funny, I was just talking to some man I didn't know at a bar -- I was supposed to be practicing flirting and instead we ended up having a philosophical discussion -- he wanted to know why some people act so arrogantly -- I replied that after pondering it long and hard that it was fear.

Fear is a powerful motivator and it often wears disguises!

He disagreed, but that's ok -- I am sticking to my story.

Anonymous said...

Your description of yourself in the past was a perfect description of how I was......including the yada, yada,yada,.....and fear of this, fear of that, fear of everything else. Fear was my first, middle, and last name.

Thank God we can be REAL now and not be controlled at all times by fear.

Bravo to you.

Syd said...

There was some reason that you decided not to go. And being on your own terms has got to be good. You do what you want to do because you don't have the fear of not fitting in. I totally get that.

Shadow said...

life is so much easier now, without the pretense, without having to remember all the stories and lies. simpler! easier! better!

Anonymous said...

Make that menopause, heat and five glasses of wine!

I identify so much sweetheart


Michael said...

Yes Luke has been living with me now over a month, his mum asked him where he wanted to live when we came back from our camping hols and he chose my house and the rest his history.
I love having him here