I noticed that some of my comments on others' blogs were no longer showing my name...so I clicked on one and it brought me to...a blog my daughter apparently started and abandoned earlier this year. I can identify because back in the day I started lots of journals...in fact this is the first thing I have ever stuck with. So those mysterious comments you got were from me. I'm not sure how to fix this...I'm on my computer now so hopefully any comments you receive show up from me. Weird....
Anyway, had a great day of nothing yesterday. Woke up, went to the morning meeting which I chair on Fridays. Had a piece of banana creme pie that someone brought. Came home and read a bit then took a nap. Woke up, had some great French Toast my husband made with the leftover bread from yesterday. We all watched Journey to the Center of the Earth together. Brought me back to family movie night. I love my kids. Then...read a little more and took another nap. Caught up in the blogosphere on my daughters laptop..hence this cross identity issue. But I liked using the laptop cause I could stay on my comfy couch under the covers. Then I went to the Friday night women's meeting. Guess who spoke?? You guessed it, the "dour" soul who I had an issue with last week. Guess what? She's not so dour after all. And I identified with her story big time. It was a wonderful meeting and an opportunity for me to tell her that I appreciated getting to know her better and thank her for her story. Thank you God. Came home and attempted to watch Indiana Jones with the husband but I couldn't stay awake. I guess I was tired yesterday. And it felt good to do nothing.