Wednesday, November 5, 2008


We danced to this Monday night in a Sacred Circle and I had to listen to it this morning and tears are running down my face as they did last night as I watched the crowd in Grant's Park. I am proud to be an American and I wouldn't know that were I not a grateful, recovering, alcoholic. I cannot even imagine what it must feel like to be an African American today. But I think I have a taste of it. Today, we are Americans, not white, not black, not straight, not gay, not male, not female, not red nor blue, we are Americans.

postscript: Actually, maybe I can imagine. One of my friends from the morning meeting is African American and attended with her daughter today. Tears streaming down her face and speechless. Overwhelmed with emotion. I can identify and fills me with gratitude. My aunt in Georgia just sent this to me...

Rosa sat so Martin could walk
Martin walked so Obama could run
Obama ran so our children could fly


Syd said...

Amen to that Kathy Lynne.

Recovery Road London said...

...and God bless America.

Thanks for your good wishes. It looks like he's out of immediate danger.

An Irish Friend of Bill said...

love the poem. thanks for sharing it

Scott W said...

I love what your aunt sent.

I think I can relate by remembering my first march in a Gay Pride Parade, in 1974 in New York City. Just five years after Stonewall--I finally felt like I belonged!