Tuesday, December 16, 2008

One Year Anniversary

NOT MINE!! Actually I celebrated 18 months on the 11th and I celebrated. I announced it at my morning meeting and how I thought there should be a chip for it because I know we're not supposed to count, its a day at a time and all that but a year and half...whoop! It's just hard to believe. One of my friends at the meeting tapped me on the shoulder after my turn passed and presented me with a bottle cap with an orange sticky with 18 months written on it, awesome!...and the chairperson at the end of the meeting called me up and gave me a year medallion and a 6 month chip...proving once again that the squeeky wheel gets the oil.

Anyway...yesterday at the meeting I was chairing and this one guy asked to start...I heard him say "one year ago today..." and I realized I had forgotten to look in the anniversary book...so I scrambled around looking for a card which we didn't have. We are fortunate in that the church we meet in has a gift shop and we can buy cards from them when we run out, so I went next door and picked out a card...came back, wrote a message from the group, wrote my own personal message and then started to pass the card around. Meanwhile he's sharing..and I am hearing about his last drunk, jail, etc. But not really listening. Then the Secretary comes and whispers in my ear...his anniversary is on the 17th...and I'm like...are you sure? Anyway I asked the person...and he confirmed that it was the 17th so I sheepishly put the card away and apologized for jumping the gun. Today he asked to start again and finished his story...his last drink was in the wee hours..he's really doing a countdown of the last debacle....his wife picked him up from jail..the guilt and remorse, the drunk driving..we all know the story. This time I listened. But noone else in the meeting did. Well, the old guys. They were all congratulating him on his year when he made clear it was tomorrow. Whatever. It's confusing I guess. Today he was going to spend at his 5 yr olds Christmas Concert...what a difference a year makes. I am looking forward to the third installment of his story....a year...it's a big deal.


Judith said...

I agree with you about an 18 month chip. I felt like I needed/wanted one at that point, like it was a real milestone to not slip after making the 1st year. I think some places do celebrate it.

Unknown said...

Congratulations dear Kathy Lynne...18 months is amazing and our lives just keep getting better and better...the miracles keep coming.


Anonymous said...

I've just realised I am 21 months sober today and I feel quite amazed that sobriety is just a way of life now.

Hugs to you at 18 months, Kathy


Shadow said...

congratulations. to the both of you!

Pammie said...

In Texas we give chips for 30,60,90 days, 6 months, 9 months, 18 months and then years.
We see a LOT of 1 year chips, then less than half of those get to 18 months.
I feel bad that you did not get an 18month chip!!!!
They are the BESTEST and HARD to get.