Wednesday, February 11, 2009


A member of our morning group celebrated 29 years today. 29 years! I will be 79 if and when I hit that amount of sobriety. I cannot absolutely cannot look at it like that. But what I can remember is that today, this day, marks 20 months for me. Really? I didn't even realize and at the meeting said I had 19 months. Then later I was counting on my fingers...yes I need them..and realized its 20! Months. Of continuous sobriety. Of not having a drink. Of living a new life. I reflected on my answer the other day as to what you could not live without. In the past I might have said happiness, my children, the beach....and I now answer, truthfully, in spite of my own disbelief..I cannot live without the grace of God in my life. That is where AA has lead me. To a Higher Power and an ever increasing desire to improve my conscious contact..and THAT is what keeps me sober.

I am very very grateful to those like the gentleman with 29 years who stick around to tell those of us who are willing how it is done. And it is about willingness isn't it? Open, Honest and Willing. If I can maintain those three principles in my life..I'm gonna be okay.

Home stretch to 2 years...there's gonna be a par..tay.....!


An Irish Friend of Bill said...

amazing. good for you. times goes so quick doesnt it?

Banana Girl said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I remember counting and recounting months during the second year almost fearful that time would stop before I made it to three. But it was here before I realized it. Wow! for you a great day. Keep it up and thanks for all your commiseration and good words in the comments you leave. They help so much, you have no idea. J.

Fireman John said...

you are approaching a crucial point in recovery. the 2 year mark can be difficult for many of us. without the 3 month coins we get the first year, it can seem like an eternity until that big 2. just keep your focus and enjoy that coin, you deserve it!

Syd said...

There's a lady that I know who has 63 years. I couldn't believe it. Congratulations on your 20 months.

Unknown said...

Oh Kathy, this is great! 20 months is a BIG! You know the journey only gets better as you keep walking it and doing the amazing !

Stay sober..and you only have to do it for today!

Pammie said...


steveroni said...

Kathy Lynne, if you're gonna be anywhere between Chicago and St Louis June 12-14, we're meeting at Annie K's home--bunch 'o Blog-aholics! We sure could he'p ya celebrate your TWO year anniversary. We could crash a couple!

ALSO, remembering my "hard' days in A.A., the most difficult day of my years of staying sober, was the..................FIRST DAY! WOW! I can NEVER forget that.

indistinct said...

Way to go on 20 months. So cool how those one day at a time's chain together into such a lovely gift to everyone.

I'll be 80 for my 29th cake. That will be a fun meeting!

Shadow said...

congratulations! well done! you are a super star!!!

molly said...

very cool honey pie

johno said...

seriously 2 years??? already !!! flippin eck!! fabulous news :)

johno said...

ok i just read it again!! 20 months ..nearly 2 years!! still frikkin amazing, wheres it gone!