Monday, February 16, 2009

Calling All Angels

A woman in my morning meeting celebrated 19 years of sobriety on Saturday. She shared her moment..her spiritual experience..when things, life changed for her. I wouldn't possibly be able to do it justice and its not my story..but what is my story is that because of her spiritual experience...the light shining down on you kind..I was given a spirtual awakening. I was not blessed to have one of those fall on your knees moments...but because she has so freely shared hers and because others have..I have been able to open my eyes and my heart. I didn't know what I believed when I came to AA. I wasn't even sure I thought I was really an alcoholic and I certainly didn't know what a Higher Power was. I think maybe I was looking for a way out. But what I found was a way in. To sobriety and to the divinity within. And many candles lit my way. And many angels...and they are..

My mother...her low bottom became my high bottom. when her candle blew out mine was lit.

AABC...the yahoo group who was always there...dispensing the message.

Red headed Gal and all the other bloggers...who seemed so much, too much like me.

Scout...who you even go to meetings.

Archie...who posted a simple explanation of the 12 steps that I could wrap my head around.

Kathy...who welcomed me to AA and directed me to the next meeting.

Chickie...who helped me acknowledge out loud that I was an alcoholic.

Ruth...who told me she cried during the Lord's Prayer too.

Joan...who was quietly present at all those first meetings, knitting and telling me it was okay.

Lynne...who smiled wide when I showed up, agreed to sponser me and took me to tea.

Dorothy....who showed me what a divine presence means.

Dennis...who told me to keep smiling.

Sonia...who needed me.

Terry...who kept it real and made me laugh.

So many more....too many to name...all these candles lit the way..keep it lit so that I can stay sober and help another alcoholic achieve sobriety.

so grateful...


Syd said...

Where is Scout? I miss her. Glad that you had those angels. And that you can tell us about them.

steveroni said...

Now, Kathy Lynne...T.H.A.T. is what I call a GRATITUDE list! Yep! And Thanks

johno said...

gratitude is a wonderful gift :)

Banana Girl said...

What a beautiful post. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, but it comes. Absolutely spiritual...lovely and filled with humility....such gratitude. And I am grateful you are here in my life. J.

Judith said...


I miss Scout too.