Wednesday, January 30, 2008

BS Bingo

A bit of fun
Do you keep falling asleep in meetings?
What about those long and boring drunkalog or using stories??
Get tired of the same old Slogan Babble, or members who continue to deal with the same problems, same defects, and same painful relationships FOR YEARS?
Here's a way to change all that...

1. Before (or during) your next meeting, prepare yourself by drawing a square. I find that 5" x 5" is a good size. Divide the card into columns-five across and five down. That will give you 25 one-inch blocks.

2. Write one of the following 25 words/phrases in each block:
Living Amends
Didn't Mean to Us
I'm Stuck On Step ____
Couldn't Find A Meeting
My Sponsor Has Been Out Of Town
I Can't change
I Won't change
Yeah But
Oh, The
But....don't you think
I'll Never
Recovering Person
Searching (as in, "for answers")
Gonna (sometimes prefaced with, "I'm")
Been thinking (sometimes prefaced with, "I've")
She/He said
I heard
We Addicts are sicker than alkies
These medications I have to take....
3. Check off the appropriate block when you hear one of the abovewords or phrases.
4. When you get five blocks horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, stand up and shout: "BULLSHIT!"
--"I had been in the meeting for only five minutes when I won."-Adam> W., Atlanta
--"My attention span at meetings has improved dramatically."- DavidT.,> Tampa
--"What a gas! Meetings will never be the same for me after myfirst> win." -Dan J., NY City
--"The atmosphere was tense in the last "Gratitude" meeting as 14 of us waited for the fifth box. " -Ben G., Denver
--"The speaker was stunned as eight of us screamed out "BULLSHIT"for the third time in 20 minutes." -Carnie Joe, Miami
Play "Bullshit Bingo" at your next meeting...!!!!!!!!


Michael said...

Hey thats brilliant Kathy, laughed out loud in my office at that, its so true as well you sit there and think to yourself Oh not this again, my fave is when they start going on about having a washing machine head, or eating your booze (ie taking ADPs) I just switch off then.
Some sharers always tell the same old story which you get to know so well, others start on about probs with there electrical appliances.
But nevertheless I guess it serves its purpose and brainwashes us of all the alcoholic gremlins in our brains!
Oh its the blue teletubbie who is gay is it, I assume they were all boys then

Shadow said...

hey! read that not too long ago but it's still funny!!!

Syd said...

That's great. I haven't heard that one. It would be good to do it from the Al-Anon's viewpoint. I'm sure that I'd yell Bullshit also.

Syd said...

That is really neat. I hadn't read it and had to laugh. I wonder if I can craft a Bullshit Bingo for Al-Anon meetings.

Anonymous said...

This is so damn funny! Thanks for giving me a great laugh this morning. I may have to link to it.
Love to you!

Recovery Road London said...

In the very early days of my recovery, like many newbies, I had trouble sleeping without the booze/unconsciousness thing. I dozed off in a meeting once, and they let me snooze on. Trouble is, I talk in my sleep...Oops!

Pammie said...


Michael said...

Maybe I can alter it for the topic of Health and Safety and put it in our works newsletter.
Hey its Thursday today though