"It is difficult to pray if you don't know how to pray, be we must help
ourselves to pray. The first means to use is silence. We cannot put
ourselves directly in the presence of God if we do not practice internal and external silence. The interior silence is very difficult, but we must make the effort. In silence we will find new energy and true unity. The
energy of God will be ours to do all things well, and so will the unity of our thoughts with His thoughts, the unity of our prayers with His prayers, the unityof our actions with His actions, of our life with His life. Unity is the fruit of prayer, of humility, of love. In the slence of the heart, God speaks. If you face God in prayer and silence, God will speak to you. Then you will know that you are nothing. It is only when you realize your nothingness, your emptiness, that God can fill you with Himself. Souls of prayer are souls of great silence. Silence gives us a new outlook on everything. We need slience to be able to touch souls. The essential thing is not what we say but what God says to us and through us. In that silence, He will listen to us; he will speak to our souls, and there we will hear His voice." pg 7

" Prayer is not a request for God's favors. True, it has been used to obtain the satisfaction of personal desires. It has even been adopted to reinforceprejudices, justify violence, and create barriers between people and countries. But genuine prayer is based on recognizing the Origin of all that exists, and opening ourselves to it....In prayer we acknowledge God as the supreme source from which flows all strength, all goodness, all existence, acknowledging that we have our being, life itself from this supreme Power. One can then communicate with this Source, worship it, and ultimately place one's very center in it."
This is the stuff that is making sense to me as I go through the steps and begin to pracitce these principles in all my affairs. Pretty cool. I am very grateful to Alocholics Annoymouse for leading me to the beginnings of my spriritual foundation. Never thought I would get here.
Hi Kathy,
I say my prayers in a morning before I start the day just as I am about to set off for work and in the evening when I take the dogs out while overlooking the calder valley.
I keep trying to silence my mind but its hard to do, I often meditate and I seem to nearly always fall asleep but sometimes I enter this state which feels so fantastic, like I am floating in this blue sky, its hard to keep it there though.
I have stopped asking for things when I pray though, I just ask for gods will to do what is right for me
My prayers are about helping me to help myself and to do God's will. I also pray for those that I love,those with whom I have difficulty and for the those who are still sick and suffering. Thanks for this post. It was calming and informative.
these are lovely arent they?
I agree, I too am grateful, I would never have actually done any of these "spiritual, prayer, step 11, meditation" stuff without AA, alone they would have remained simply a thought, or a fleeting visit without a disciplined return again and again.
Thanks lovely :)
I'm reading Joyce Myers "Simple Prayer"...and I'm getting alot out of it also. :)
'internal silence' yip, very difficult sometimes...
Hey Kathy, had a great night at AA last night, never laughed so much, feel better for it, you just cant believe how much better it makes you feel.
Hey i didnt know that teletubbie was gay
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