My old reaction would have been one of extreme anger.....at my son. I probably would not have left work...made him wait for me to get out. I probably would have made him pay the fine..which these days is about 2 weeks pay for him. I would have wanted him to learn the lesson...don't park illegally (or in this case when its private property, where you have been told not to.) But that is not how I felt.
And I wasn't really angry at the principal either, though it could have developed into that. Instead, I just handled the situation, helped out my son and sent the principal an email saying it was a crappy thing to do, though stipulated that the car was parked where it should have been. He knows the kids are taking AP exams....so how about looking the other way for an hour or 2. I know, I know, fire lane stuff. What ifs......but this time, there was no fire...and they left immediately after the exam so the car would have been removed....its just so cold and non supportive. Maybe I have senioritis too.
And instead of letting the feelings fester in me, I faced the guy (well, via email) and told him what I thought. Not of him but the behavior. I acknowledged the wrongdoing but suggested there might have been another noncrappy way to handle it. It's over, its done....and I've let it go, except to write it here.....this is new for me.
Above it all, it was not something to drink about or dwell on. Life is good.
I know what you mean, I have so many times known the wrong but been unable to accept the fault without trying to make it right through suggestions of what they should have done. I pray that each amend I make be an amend only without fighting or trying to justify the wrong.
It's a tough road we trudge, and it seems of myself, I'm rarely able to be completely selfless in the actions I take.
Thank God for progress not perfection.
I don't know how it is for you but when I handle situations so differently than I used to it still is a bit of a surprise to me. There really is a different way to live. It's great.
I know what you mean about this. I would've been irritated, but then let it go because long term what difference does it make? Your son was late, but he got to his exam on time. He did illegally park. The assistant principal kind of was a jerk, but he wasn't wrong.
It's sort of like when I got my speeding ticket for going 78 in a 65 when another car was on my tail. Or like my son oversleeping by 2 hours and missing the bus on Tuesday, so I had to drive him to school. Whatareyagonnado?
I love those rare occasions (for me) when I feel that I have appropriately handled every aspect of a situation.
I'm glad that you feel okay about this. I hope that your son did well on his exam.
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