Saturday, March 21, 2009

Taking Stock

I just can't seem to get to the blog these days. Maybe its the fourth step writing. Anyway, I thought I'd leave you with a pretty picture at least and let you know I'm fine...just focusing my efforts in a different direction for the time being.


steveroni said...

Well, that IS a 'pretty' picture, Kathy...

It is good to read that you are OK, just busy--it could happen to anyone, you know...-grin
Steve E.

Jess Mistress of Mischief said...

Prayers goin up for ya as you work on the life or death stuff :)

Shadow said...

you stay on track girlie girl!

Judith said...

Cool picture!

molly said...

i've had trouble getting to blogging too.. must be the spring air! glad you are doing well :)

Pammie said...

hmmmm maybe you call that "focusing", but it just looks like a lazy chick laying in the grass to me. :)

Syd said...

Nice photo. Keep on working on what you are doing. It's inspired by God.

Unknown said...

Great picture...looks nice, stay focused and we'll be here when you return....


Banana Girl said...

You sound just mahvelous dahling! This stuff looks really good on you and a much better place than a few short weeks ago. What a wonderful way to spend a day at the W. house. I must go sometime. Sort of like Mecca, no? LU J

Banana Girl said...

You sound just mahvelous dahling! This stuff looks really good on you and a much better place than a few short weeks ago. What a wonderful way to spend a day at the W. house. I must go sometime. Sort of like Mecca, no? LU J

Jess Mistress of Mischief said...

Beautiful picture. Glad your on the 4th step though... much more important to write to God! :)

Prayers goin' up for ya!

Anonymous said...

miss your posts, hope you are back soon. {HUGS}

Anonymous said...

Missing you, hope you had a good Easter.

xxMary LA

RipGurl said...

This picture says a thousand words. Thank God spring is finally here!
Happy Easter,

molly said...

you don't have to post this.. for what it's worth, your comment on my blog today meant a LOT to me. i love you. thank you for you.
