Thursday, August 23, 2007

No Spin Zone

Martha at bouncing off the bottom got me to thinking about how much spin I've placed on my story. I think by definition the spin is based sometimes in a truth but it is not the main truth. You zero in on something else that allows you to ignore the real problem and to place blame elsewhere.

I didn't screw up in high school because my parents moved the family to another state. I screwed up in high school because I started drinking and drugging and all my ambitions and aspirations were zapped.

I didn't drop out of college my senior year because I was so advanced that I acquired social worker "burnout" doing internships, I dropped out because I failed all my classes fall semester because all I did was go to bars at night and was hungover during the day.

I didn't waitress every night because we desparately needed the money, I worked every night because I liked the party afterwards.

I didn't drink after work because it had been a rough night, I drank because I wanted to get drunk.

I didn't nap with my babies because I liked to cuddle, I napped with my babies because I needed to recover from the previous evening.

I didn't get involved with a guy at work because I had found my lost soul mate and new best friend and my husband didn't pay attention to me, I got involved because I was drunk and self centered.

I didn't avoid social gatherings because I was a recluse, I avoided them because I wanted to drink more than was socially acceptable.

As they say in the Big Book, the list could go on ad infinitum. But I thought it was about time I said out loud the truth.


molly said...

Thanks for sharing the truth. And I appreciate your stopping by my blog with words of encouragement. Have a great weekend!!!!!

molly said...

hey girl - just got your comment on my post. Molly is my Siberian Husky but I think she is really an angel in husky clothing. ha

I didn't chair the meeting last night.. just spoke when it was my turn to share which for me was HUGE. I think I turned 9 shades of red. Silly huh. Have a great weekend!!!


Johna said...

Thanks for the visit and words of encouragement. It is scary how much I can relate to your stories, I think you could write mine. Got to a meeting tonight with the help of a baby sitter, but it was worth the money. Enjoy!

Johna said...

oh yeah Krista is 26ish, as I recall. I have met her once and hopefully we can get together and go to a meeting and for coffee. We are working on it.

Pammie said...

loved that....saw myself very very clearly..THANKS.. I really needed to read that this morning. Good work sugar.

Krista said...

Great honesty there, our lives seem quite similar!!

Namenlosen Trinker said...

Spin seems like an awfully nice word for the out-and-lies I told myself and everybody else. Talk about a habitual liar! Eventually I even told lies when the truth would have made me look better. Yes, any such list could go on ad infinitum. And ad nauseum.

Shadow said...

that's so very very honest... disguising the real truth. i do that too... thankfully a lot less!

johno said...

hey this is REALLY cool PROGRESS (i think) see these are the things that get a newcomer listening to you whe your having coffee, going Me too, GULP yeh me too, yeh OMG did you do that Too ?? and you say yeh I really did, but you know I dont now... and its true.

Our experience becomes Gold to give to newcomers. "We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it"

See, they sky did NOT fall in did it!?

keep on more honesty. No need to be afraid of yourself :) well done!