Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Having Another?

I had the day off Monday in honor of Veteran's Day. I was able to go to the parade to watch my son march in the band to honor our local heros. There was a nice crowd and it was extremely moving. Our town lost a son 2 years ago in Afghanistan. A well liked boy from a nice family. A leader amongst his peers. His father read a beautiful poem about our children laying down their sports equipment for guns that someone had annonymously left in his mailbox. I try not to get angry about this war but I am afraid I am. I am grateful to these honorable men and women who are called from within to duty and I am very patriotic about my country. But my patriotism does allow me to express my dissatisfaction with our leadership and this war which has gone on much too long and was ill advised in the first place. And while I don't look forward to the coming election year I do look forward to change. I pray that our country will do the right thing this time. I'm not sure what the right thing will be but as a citizen of Massachusetts I know one person who would not be good for this country. I won't name any names but he was a governer here. That's as strong as my feelings are about any particular candidate. Hopefully I can focus on the postitive soon but all I can think about is NOT getting someone elected. Anyway, that is not where I was going with this post....
What I was trying to reflect on with Vets day was that the parade ended just in time for me to attend the noon meeting which I usually do not attend because of work. I had done my usual morning meeting and thought it would be a treat to go to the nooner. Someone at the morning meeting had told me I should do something to treat myself to celebrate my 5 months. I don't think she meant go to a meeting but I was glad I did. The speaker was one of the first speakers I heard. He's a "tough guy". His story was quite different from mine but I remember one thing he said. You can't sit in a garage and expect to become a car. Meaning that this is a program of action. And he said this when I was getting all these car analogies. It stuck with me and it helped me to see that I had to work for my sobriety. It wasn't going to come by just reading and not drinking. It meant going to meetings, talking, writing and doing the steps. I got to thank him and that was cool.

Later, I attended my usual Monday night meeting. I was tired and honestly if I had my druthers I would not have gone but I am the Secretary and that is also a part of the work. I don't particularly like this meeting. But there are 2 people there that I must hear so I go. Their message is clear and spiritual. So I tolerate all the rest and I listen to them. And sometimes what I "tolerate" is good too:)
Anyway, as I was getting ready to go to the evening meeting, my poor husband who also had the day off, looks at me and says, "you're going to another meeting? " It sounded just like when he used to nag me about my next glass of wine. "you're having another?" "KATHY......" Used to really irritate me. This time I was struck with that same irritation. But it was also amusing. Sometimes I think, for me, the hardest part about getting sober is doing it around someone who doesn't understand and doesn't necessarily want too. And whether I'm having a drink, a cheeseburger or going to a meeting, his expectations are still the same. He has them:) He's happy that I'm sober and in that sense doesn't care how I got here just that I did but he really doesnt' get it. I guess this will be something to pray for and to work for as well. Who knows?


Pammie said...

This is a lovely post today Kathy. The only people who "get us" is US. :)
Your husband sounds like a nice guy. I think that's one of our gifts in sobriety, to appreciate the people in our lives. I have never heard that car analogy!
I too, go to a couple of meetings that I sit thru stuff I don't particularly want to hear, in order to hear the stuff I need.
I think you are doing great!

molly said...

Hi Kathy: My husband doesn't "get" me going to meetings. For a while I was going to noon meetings on my lunch break instead of evening meetings so I wouldn't get "the evil eye" when I got home. He doesn't want me to drink anymore, but still doesn't think I'm an alcoholic and doesn't understand meetings. Ahh yes - I understand :) Just don't drink ya know! If it were ONLY that simple. Glad to see you are doing well. I went to a meeting last night and almost had a laughing attack (like the ones you sometimes had in church where you know you shouldn't but can't stop?!).. There was something funny (TO ME) about the way a guy was reading How it Works and I swear I had to think "dead puppies, dead puppies" before I lost it. And it wasn't necessarily HIM (although I'm sorry - it was funny!) but ME. Of course the LAST time I was at this same meeting I left 30 minutes in because I had uncontrollable crying. NUTS I tell ya. At least I can laugh at myself TODAY. Glad you are here :) I don't know many, if any, newly sober woman that are married.. and I think being married presents some challenges don't you?

Shadow said...

hubby also doesn't quite understand why i can't just forget about it. he's says i'm over it and should forget about it. can't do that though, can i.....

Syd said...

My SO used to make fun of my doing the steps. She still has problems with a HP. I don't let it bother me anymore. I just keep going to meetings and working the program.

Michael said...

Hi Kathy,
Yes there is a lot of ill feeling about the wars going on in Aftganistan & Iraq here in the UK as well, personally I can never see how anger and fighting ever solves anything at all. The book I have been reading called "The Divine Matrix" said all the fighting and anger in the world is a mirror of everyones collective thoughts, its very good book and I finished it last night - there has to be a lot of truth in it.
So you get nattered at for going to meetings now, you cant win can you.
Anyway welcome back to blogger world after your sidetracking thanks for not forgetting about me!